Thresholds: how and when to access the right help at the right time for children and young people in Brent
Date & Time:
Wednesday 17 September 2025 (09:30 - 11:30)
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Online Event, Virtual/online event
All practitioners working with families need to know how to identify children who have additional needs and know how to make a referral for help.
This course will explore the processes and thresholds for those working with children and families in Brent on making referrals to access the right level of support at the right time.
Delegates will consider :
- Professional dilemmas around 'thresholds uncertainty' and influences around the understanding and interpretation of thresholds
- How to use the Thresholds Guides to apply levels of needs more consistently
- Elements of risks and strengths in families to inform their assessment of needs
- The Brent referral pathways and what a 'good' referral looks like
Places Available:
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Further Information:
Carla Thomas
Venue Details:
Online Event, Virtual/online event