To use this booking system, you will first need to create a user account and once you have done this, you will be able to manage your own bookings, access course evaluations, certificates and access your training history.
Events & Courses
Working Together with Families who Resist Engagement for Better Outcomes - 23075
Domestic Abuse - the signs, dynamics and the role of professional curiosity - 23136
Early Help Assessment (EHA) - a practical what, why, when and how for early support and better outcomes
Hopefully you are able to join the October 28 session.
The Lead Professional - understand the role, responsibilities and how to ensure a 'Team around the Child' - 26838
Domestic Abuse - the signs, dynamics and the role of professional curiosity - 23137
Child Neglect: Understanding and managing child neglect through a multi-agency approach - 23074
Early Help Assessment (EHA) - a practical what, why, when and how for early support and better outcomes
Unfortnately we have had to cancel this.
We hope you can book onto the October 28 session, which is now the last one as it stands.