FGM - Understanding and Responding to Female Genital Mutilation

Date & Time:

Thursday 22 January 2026 (13:30 - 16:30)

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Brent Civic Centre - Training Suite - Training Room 2, In person event - 1st Floor Brent Civic Centre 32 Engineers Way, Wembley


This is an in-person event at Brent Civic Centre - excellent public transport links and bike racks. It is on the first floor, in the training rooms.

Who Should Attend? This course is designed for anyone who works (paid or voluntary) with children, young people or families in Brent. It will be of particular interest to teachers, youth workers, health and social care workers, police, magistrates, faith leaders, community activists and other support workers.

Aim. This multi-agency training gives participants a good basic knowledge of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), as it is practised around the world. We will also consider how to recognise and respond to concerns that FGM may be going to take place, or that it has already occurred. There is duty to report.

By the end of this training, participants will be able to…

  • Define what is meant by the phrase Female Genital Mutilation
  • Reflect on the concepts of culture, custom and tradition.
  • Discuss with others the context in which FGM is practised
  • Have an understanding of legislation and guidance relating to FGM
  • Incorporate their knowledge of FGM into their work practice
  • Understand that FGM is considered child abuse by the UK Government
  • Refer people to local and national specialist support services for accessing information, clinical support, counselling, safeguarding and the criminal justice system.
  • Have an opportunity to ask questions.

Please note:  It is not uncommon for participants to find FGM a difficult topic to learn about and we endeavour to create a supportive environment that helps participants develop their understanding, therefore this session does not use video clips or graphic photographs to illustrate FGM. We will use case studies and a few simple drawings to aid participant learning.

Places Available:


Further Information:




Sandy Youngson

Venue Details:

Brent Civic Centre - Training Suite - Training Room 2, In person event - 1st Floor Brent Civic Centre 32 Engineers Way, Wembley

Brent Civic Centre is accessible by public transport. This is the advisable way to visit as there is there very limited parking both on-site and locally.

To access the training suite, take the escalator or the red lift to Floor 1.

If using escalator - the training suite is located to the right at the top of escalator. 

If using red lift - the training suite is located to the left.

The building is fully accessible.