Child Neglect: Understanding and managing child neglect through a multi-agency approach

Date & Time:

Wednesday 2 April 2025 (09:30 - 11:30)

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Online Event, Virtual/online event


Neglect can take numerous forms and may be very or less obvious. The impact can be considerable and children and young people who suffer from and experience neglect are best served through a multi-agency approach, underpinned by good information sharing between agencies. 

Participants will consider and discuss the following to increase understanding, confidence and responding to child neglect:

  • Lesson and messages from local and national reviews and how to critically integrate these to assessment
  • The definition of neglect and its application in practice
  • How to recognise neglect in the context of child development
  • How to develop child focused plans 
  • The importance of developing a timeline to gain a picture of the child's life and experiences and how a range of agencies working together can identify and respond to neglect sooner
  • The importance of the voice of the child and professional curiosity

Places Available:


Further Information:



Carla Thomas

Venue Details:

Online Event, Virtual/online event