Drug Use – the safeguarding context

Date & Time:

Wednesday 4 June 2025 (09:30 - 12:30)

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Brent Civic Centre, Olympic Way, Wembley Park, Brent, London



An interactive session to provide a greater understanding of drug use in Brent, by exploring a range of different substances; the contexts in which harm may be caused to the user and/or others; cases that have influenced drug policy and highlighting what treatment and recovery support services are available in the Borough.

By the end of this session, you will...

    • Know what we mean when we use the words ‘Drugs’;  ‘Addiction’; ‘Dependence’ and ‘Recovery’ as well as phrases  like ‘relative (or contextual) harm’ and ‘harm reduction’, etc.
    • Have explored how drugs have influenced world history and the role they continue to play in our society,
      • including the ethics of drug use, the impact of organised crime (gangs, cuckooing & county lines, etc) and normalisation through marketing
    • Have a basic understanding of legislation relating to drug use, possession, supply & production.
    • Know about drug policies, procedures and guidance
      • including safeguarding policies and procedures, the UK  national drug strategy, etc
    • Know how to refer people to specialist support services for accessing information, harm reduction (like needle exchanges, etc) as well as treatment and recovery from addiction
    • Have a chance to ask questions

Places Available:


Further Information:




Sandy Youngson

Venue Details:

Brent Civic Centre, Olympic Way, Wembley Park, Brent, London

We strongly recommend the use of public transport, with various options available by tube, train or bus. 

There is disabled parking in the basement car park, and the building is fully accesible.

There is cycle parking on the left had side of the Civic Centre.