Drug Use – the safeguarding context
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An interactive session to provide a greater understanding of drug use in Brent, by exploring a range of different substances; the contexts in which harm may be caused to the user and/or others; cases that have influenced drug policy and highlighting what treatment and recovery support services are available in the Borough.
By the end of this session, you will...
- Know what we mean when we use the words ‘Drugs’; ‘Addiction’; ‘Dependence’ and ‘Recovery’ as well as phrases like ‘relative (or contextual) harm’ and ‘harm reduction’, etc.
- Have explored how drugs have influenced world history and the role they continue to play in our society,
- including the ethics of drug use, the impact of organised crime (gangs, cuckooing & county lines, etc) and normalisation through marketing
- Have a basic understanding of legislation relating to drug use, possession, supply & production.
- Know about drug policies, procedures and guidance
- including safeguarding policies and procedures, the UK national drug strategy, etc
- Know how to refer people to specialist support services for accessing information, harm reduction (like needle exchanges, etc) as well as treatment and recovery from addiction
- Have a chance to ask questions
Places Available:
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Venue Details:
Brent Civic Centre is accessible by public transport. This is the advisable way to visit as there is there very limited parking both on-site and locally.
To access the training suite, take the escalator or the red lift to Floor 1.
If using escalator - the training suite is located to the right at the top of escalator.
If using red lift - the training suite is located to the left.
The building is fully accessible.